Created 26.09.1945 r. as Sumy College of Agricultural Construction. 1947, it was reformed into the Konotop College of Agricultural Construction; since 1955, it has been in construction; 1959, it has been in industrial; and 1971. - Industrial and Pedagogical College. 02/02/2004 reorganized by joining the Konotop Institute of SSU, which changed its status to a professional college in 2020.
Director: Kosenko Dmitry Serhiyevich.
The college today is an institution of professional pre-higher education, which trains specialists in the educational and professional degree " Professional associate degree " in the following specialties:
Vocational education in specializations:
- Construction and welding;
- Transport;
- Power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics;
- Digital technologies;
- Social work;
- Software Engineering;
- Construction and Civil Engineering;
- Finance, banking, insurance and stock market
- Entrepreneurship and trade
- Electric power, electrical engineering and electromechanics;
- Road transport.
The contingent of education applicants is about 900 people from 15 regions of Ukraine.
Fifty-eight pedagogical workers provide the educational process: 3 teachers - candidates of sciences; 1 - has the title "Excellence in Education of Ukraine"; 5 - the pedagogical title "Teacher - Methodist." Among full-time teachers, 60% have the highest category, 30% - the first, 10% - the second, and specialist.
The educational institution is located in the health zone of the town and has everything you need for quality education, accommodation, and recreation of students.
The material, technical, and educational base meets modern requirements. 30 classrooms, 11 laboratories, 4 computer training classes and 7 workshops are involved in conducting classes. Classrooms are equipped with multimedia, audiovisual equipment, and other technical training tools by licensing requirements. The institution has a library with a reading room with a book fund of more than 41 thousand copies, a canteen, a gym, a stadium, sports grounds, an assembly hall, and two dormitories for nonresident students.
The main directions for introducing innovative technologies into the educational process are:
- The creation of subject-oriented and educational information environments that make it possible to use multimedia, electronic textbooks, etc.
- Development of communication means (computer network, telephone communication for information exchange).
- Training rules and skills of "navigation" in the information space.
- Development of distance education, student-centered learning.
An essential component of the training of modern masters of industrial training is the use of various digital products that can be used to create, organize, and improve the educational process.
Teachers and applicants for education can freely access the Internet from any computer in college, in the hostel, or the library. Free Wi-Fi zones for wireless access to the Internet are equipped in the college building and the building of training workshops.
Since 2019, the rapid renewal of the material and technical base and expanding the list of paid services began. Two training IT centers, a counter-training room, a gym, and a coworking center called "Free Educational Environment Zone" were opened, updated, and equipped with the laboratory and workshop's necessary equipment and technological equipment; current repairs were made, and furniture was updated in 15 classrooms. The college has installed a video surveillance system and set up two basic shelters to ensure a safe educational environment.
The college's fleet has been replenished with equipment: a John Deere 6110 tractor, a Deo Lanos training car, and a motorcycle.
In 2020, the educational institution received a certificate of state accreditation for the training of drivers of vehicles of categories "A," "B," and "C."
Within the framework of cooperation with employers, the college concluded more than 40 cooperation agreements with universities, IT companies, service stations, leading industrial and agricultural enterprises of the region, and SVTE. Interaction with employers takes place at meetings where issues of reviewing educational and professional training programs for professional junior bachelors, making proposals for optimizing work curricula, and passing industrial practice by students are discussed. Employers are involved in the educational process through guest lectures and meeting participation to issue cycle commissions. Because the institution is the only one in the city that trains specialists in the specialty "Software Engineering," cooperation with the Konotop IT company "GRODAS" is fruitful and effective.
Since 2018 Applicants for education of VSP "Konotop Industrial and Pedagogical Vocational College of SSU" participate in the International Educational Project "Vocational Training and Internship without Borders," within the framework of which they undergo paid practice at Polish enterprises (Cooperation Agreement No. 180414 dated 25.04.2018., Concluded between the College, Tsentrum Doradtsva Educational LLC (Republic of Poland) and NGO "Innovative Technologies in Education").
Now, the institution is proud of a large number of graduates who have the opportunity to realize the knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired in the institution in different parts of the world. Many college graduates in different years hold or hold leadership positions in enterprises, organizations, government agencies, educational institutions, deputies of city and regional councils, and owners of firms and enterprises.
For over 50 years, the college has been preparing masters of industrial training for vocational education throughout Ukraine. So, in the Sumy region, the heads of SVTE are graduates of our institution, namely Andrei VODOPYANOV - SVTE "Konotop Professional Agrarian Lyceum," Sergey SIKIRNITSKY - Sumy Higher Vocational School of Construction and Design, Valery CHECHEL - SVTE "Reutinsky professional agrarian lyceum."
Adapting the educational process to wartime conditions is a crucial mobilization task of the entire educational sector. The priority direction in the educational process of the institution is national-patriotic education.
From the first days of the war, the college community joined various volunteer initiatives that helped bring about Ukraine's victory. Based on the college, military-patriotic schools are traditionally held.
Every year, students of the educational institution receive a nominal scholarship from the head of the regional state administration. They are permanent participants in all Ukrainian and international Olympiads and competitions.
The staff of the institution was awarded the Diploma of the Chairman of the Konotop District State Administration for a significant contribution to the protection of state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, comprehensive assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, considerable labor achievements and Gratitude from the command of the military unit A1376 for significant help to the military personnel of the 58th separate motorized infantry brigade named after Hetman Ivan Vygovsky.
The priority of the college is the qualitative training of Professional associate degree in demand in the labor market and, in particular, masters of industrial training, who, in connection with the reform of vocational education, have the most significant role in training skilled workers to rebuild the post-war country.
Separate Structural Unit оf Sumy State University
12, Nemolota str., Konotop,Sumy region, Ukraine, 41600
tel.+38 (05447) 2-34-30,
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